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—Kalif calling out for Azir

Kalif is a supporting antagonist in Raptor Island 2004. He is portrayed by Michail Elenov.


Kalif was one of the terrorists who kidnaps a agent named Jamie Cole in South China sea. The Naval officers attacks the terrorists and kills a unnamed terrorist and a naval officer named Diaz. While Kalif and the other terrorists go to a island to escape. Azir tells two terrorists Yusef and Hassan to go and destroy the officers' boat. Azir tells Kalif to keep guard of them. Kalif falls and loses content with their others. Kalif wanders off and finds a destroyed plane. He then takes a nap on a broken wing. He later was found by a few raptors and he tried to shoot them but he got overwhelmed and killed.


  • He is the fourth terrorist to die and the second to be killed by a raptor.

