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"Don't Underestimate My Powers." Darth Squanto to Frank

Darth Squanto is a minor Protagonist in House Shark.


Darth Squanto Being Eaten

Darth Squanto Being Eaten

Darth Squanto was brought by George's boss Ronald Reagan to kill the house shark. George tells Frank that Mr Reagan got another guy to handle the house shark. Darth Squanto appears and Frank tells what will he do. Darth Squanto tells Frank to not underestimate his powers. Before force slapping Frank. Darth Squanto begins to force choke Frank but George tells him enough. Darth Squanto releases him. Darth Squanto says that his people were great shark hunters. Then him tells when his people begin to hunt sharks. He picks his weapons and gets ready to kill the shark. He watched Dolly and John's kid beat up Frank. He enters and tells Frank not to worry that his house will be shark-free. Darth Squanto gets eaten.
