Syfy Wiki

"Ocupado!" Bathroom Hider to a Dragon Wasp.

Bathroom Hider is a minor antagonist in Dragon Wasps 2012.


Bathroom Hider Being Impaled

Bathroom Hider Being Impaled

At an unknown point of time he joined a group of criminals led by Jaguar. When Beastman's crew came to their base and he and other henchmen had them at gun out but Jaguar made a compromise with the crew. He is later seen looking for something with binoculars. At a ceremony he played the drums. He also is seen to guard the hut and brought them to Jaguar. Jaguar tells Beastman he needs to complete the four sacrifices but he kills Jaguar's woman. He and the other henchmen chased the crew and Jaguar tells they to give up. The dragon Wasps come and the Hider hides in the bathroom. A wasp comes and the hider says "Ocupado!" but he gets impaled.
