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2-Headed Shark Attack

2-Headed Shark Attack is a 2012 SyFy original movie directed by Christopher Ray.


Survivors escape to a deserted atoll, after their boat during a Semester at Sea ship is sunk by a mutated two-headed shark. But when the atoll starts flooding, no one is safe from the double jaws of the monster.

Production Company[]

The Asylum


anne babish[]

Anne Babish was the wife of Franklin babish and joint leader of a Semester At Sea expedition on board the Sea King,

Franklin babish[]

Franklin was the captain of the ship "sea king" and husband of anne babish


Kate is the main character of the movie, her hobby is fixing thing and is always hanging out with her friend paul. Kate has thalassophobia because of the trauma she suffered as a child.

Kate gets annoyed by pretty much every other student on the boat except paul, kate is more calm and not interested in fooling around which is one of the reasons she and cole dont get along. After landing on the atoll and looking for scrap metal she befriends kirsten, who however makes her mad by bringing up her fear of water and sharks. Eventually her fear comes true when the 2- headed shark starts attacking the students.

Kate, dana, kirsten & paul end up finding two broken boats which they end up fixing but Cole, jamie, alex and ryan arrive and end up stealing one of the boats. Challenging her to a race Kate follows with dana and paul. Racing towards the sea king the 2- headed shark attacks the group, Coles boat attracts it more and it attacks them first eating jamie, alex and ryan. Kate turns around the boat and saves cole, dragging him back to the beach and beating him up. Dana, paul and kirsten try to calm her down. Kate gets into a fight with lyndsey and ends up slapping her, liza comes between the two of them and calls kate a bitch.

The group gets smaller and eventually franklin & anne arrive at the atoll too, they need someone to fix the hole in the ship. Kate offers to do the job as she is the only one who has some experience in welding. They come up with a plan to lure the shark near the beach while Kate & cole drive to the boat and start repairing it. After kate repairs the boat cole ends up stealing it leaving her behind. The shark attacks the ship eating paul, Kate swims to the shore and meets up with rest of the survivors

She atoll starts sinking and everyone is in panic, slowly killing the students, anne and franklin one by one, only kate, paul and kirsten are left. The trio comes up with a plan to lure the shark towards them and blow its heads up with a barrel, the plan works untill kirsten is unable to light it up in time. The shark attacks kate and she fights it, barely avoiding its jaws she is able to escape. Now the shark is lured towards kirsten who it ends up killing but she is able to blow one of its heads off.

The last battle against the one headed shark[]

Paul and kate realise its attracted to boats, they start up the last remaining one hoping it would blow up the shark. The plan works and the shark is slain, movie ends with Kate & paul being rescued.


Paul is kates closest friend and possible love interest, the two of them are seen together a lot. Paul also befriends kirsten and dana who he works together with to fix boats and help kate. Paul is one of the smartest persons out of the gang, he comes up with most of the plans and informs the group that sharks are lured to electricity. He also is the only one who corrects Dana about the island being an atoll. When searching the huts, paul finds a wheel of which origin Michelle wonders. He then explains to her that its a witch staff and tells her about its origin, the guys mock him for this but michelle finds it pretty cool being the only one to cheer him up.

At the end of the movie he and Kate are the only survivors


Kirsten starts out as a minor character, she is first seen getting annoyed by the loud group and goes sunbathing on the dock with her friend kristen. Later on she can be concidered as the tritagonist of the movie, she gets a more major role once she tags along kate on their scrap metal hunt. The two of them have a talk which ends up mainly annoying kate as she finds kirsten constantly asking questions of her annoying. Eventually kate reveals her fear of ocean to kirsten and she cheers her up.

Kirsten helps kate, dana and paul to fix up the boats. After Cole steals one of them and the gang decides to race them, kirsten stays at the shore telling her friends to just go without her. After the shark has attacked the group she is the first one to ask kate if she's okay. While Kate being angry at cole and walking away, kirsten and her other friends tag along trying to calm her down.

After paul comes up with a plan to lure the shark and asks if anyone can fix a generator, Kirsten volunteers and tells she can give a try. She ends up succeedding and luring the shark works out untill it backfires and the shark ends up knocking Han & Dikilla into the water, killing them both. Kates plan fails too after cole ends up stealing the ship.

Once the atoll starts sinking the group gets seprated, eventually the whole atoll sinks. Kirsten gets chased alongside the rest of the survivors into a small cabin, the shark manages to break in and eats most of the remaining students. Only Kirsten, kate and paul being left.

Final plan[]

The remaining trio come up with a plan to lure the shark and blow it up, kirsten and paul are left with the task of lighting up a barrel using pauls shirt and a lighter while Kate lures the shark. The shark attacks kate but is distracted by Kirsten making loud noise and luring it towards her, her plan fails and she is unable to light up the barrel. Kirsten is attacked by the shark, painfully chomping down on her while she is spitting out blood. The shark ends up ripping her half and eating her remains, her body still twitching she is able to light up the barrel blowing up one of the sharks heads.

Kirsten's death


Cole was one of the students, he can be concidered as a secondary antagonist of the movie. Cole was a selfish and cowardly man who liked to pick on kate & paul. He ends up causing accidentally causing many of his friends deaths and trouble for the other students. Hes mostly seen hanging out with Ethan, jamie, ryan, jeff and mike. Not much is known about their relationship but they all seem to be close friends. Despite this he doesnt seem to be bothered after most of his friends deaths, he does show little remorse after Kate punches him and puts the blame on him. After this he tries to make up for his actions untill he ends up betraying everyone one last time by stealing the boat. His escape is cut short after the shark attacks his boat, sinking it. His last escape attempt is by taking the lifeboat from the sinking ship and trying to row away. His phone ringing however attacks the shark which ends up jumping on him, ending his life.


Laura was one of the crew members of Sea king, her job is to steer the boat she also seems to be one of the only ones who can talk to Han & Dikilla. She seems to be good friends with Anne, casually chatting with her most of the time. Anne is also the only one whose worried of her before she goes to fix the boat.

After the shark hits the boat, franklin tasks Laura to try to fix it. She asks him to check out the atoll incase they may find some scap metal which will be useful to fixing the boat. Students and babish sail towards the atoll and Laura alongside anne, dikilla & Han are left in charge of the boat. Laura decides to try weld the hole shut, while gearing up anne is a bit worried of her but Laura as a professional diver assures her she will be fine. Not long after jumping in to the water, her welding attracts the shark towards her. Before she is even able to react the shark grabs her thigh, she is able to break free and starts swimming towards the surface. Before she is able to escape the shark bites her again, this time thrashing her around untill it brutally rips her in pieces. Eating the remains of her. Later on her hand is found floating in the water

"Ill be fine Anne, really"
Laura's death


Dana was one of the students, she is more laid back than most of the people on ship. She stays level headed even after the ship gets attacked and when they are chased by the 2- headed shark. Once they find the two boats on the atoll, she helps Kate & others to fix them. Working together with paul the two of them get the boats fixed and celebrate it. Coles gang arrives and steals the boat however, Jamie mocks dana as they are leaving, it is not known why the two of them dont get along. Dana tags along Paul & kate as they are racing Coles boat, their race is suddenly stopped by the shark.

When the atoll starts sinking Dana trips but is helped by kristen, the two of them get serpated from rest of the group as kristen leaves her away. The two of them stop on a bridge, exchanging a few words but they are stopped by the 2- headed shark suddenly jumping out of the water swallowing both of them.

Kristen leading the way
"I think we're good"


Lyndsey was one of the students, unlike most of them she wants to focus on studying. She geats easily annoyed by others, babish calms her down and advices her to just keep studying. She is mostly seen hanging out with liza & michelle who seem to be the only two people she gets along with. After arriving on the atoll, the group starts searching for useful stuff to help fix the ship. Lyndsey finds a loaded revolver which she hides in her purse. Cole & Mike make fun of Lyndsey by comparing her teeth to a shark which angers her, Kate brightens the mood by making fun of cole after.

After witnessing the first earthquake she starts panicking and gets into and argument with kate, who slaps lyndsey in her face and tells her to calm down. Liza comes between them and curses kate. Later on Lyndsey groups up with the remaining survivors and demands to get off the island, she suggests taking a boat but according to babish that would be a suicide.

When the island starts sinking the remaining survivors find one remaining hut which they use as a shelter, the shark however breaks in and everyone starts panicking. Lyndsey takes out her revolver and starts shooting the shark, it ends up not affecting it and drawing all attention to her. The shark devours Lyndsey alive in front of her friends before swallowing the remains of her and eating Liza & michelle right after.

Lyndsey and co

Liza, lynsey michelle


Liza was one of the students, she is mostly seen with Lyndsey. Similiar to Lyndsey, liza is more calm and wants to focus on studying. She easily gets annoyed by other students but unlike Lyndsey she seems to be more social, talking about her frustrations to Hailey and suggesting them having margaritas.

Alongside the other students she arrives at the atoll and helps the group looking for scrap metal, Cole & mike start playfighting with sticks they found and almost hit Liza while doing so, which angers her. Cole gets scolded by babish after it. When the group gets moving Liza complains about it being hot, Cole flirts with her and calls her hot to which she flirts back.

She witnesses the boat race between coles and kates crew, after ryan falls into the water Liza and rest of the girls mock him and she sarcastically tells him to swim. Their good time is however turned into terror very faster after the shark attacks ryan, Liza tells him to get out of the water but its too late for him and he gets devoured. Liza and rest of the girls on shore look in terror as the shark eats Alex & Jamie too.

Lyndsey and kate get into a fight which results in kate slapping her, Liza calls kate a bitch for this. After some time passes and the group gets smaller, liza and lyndsey get more hysterical and demand babish to figure something out. Not soon after the atoll starts sinking and Liza alongside rest of the survivors swim into a small hut, thinking they are safe for a while the shark breaks in too. Eating lyndsey first as Liza & rest look in terror, not soon after Liza becomes its next target devouring her alive in front of everyone.


Michelle was one of the students, unlike Lyndsey and Liza she is more laid back and friendly with others. Having a possible crush on Ethan who she comfort a few times during the movie, she is also a lot nicer to paul than most of the other students.

As part of the last seven survivors, michelle and rest find a hut to escape to after the atoll has sunk. The shark follows the group and breaks in, after a small struggly it eats Lyndsey and Liza, Michelle tries to escape among the rest but she is grabbed too. Devoured alive while Kirsten and kate watch in terror.



Ethan was one of the students, he is mostly on backround but seems to be having some sort of relationship with michelle.

Towards the end of the movie, he is part of the last surviving students. The group barely escapes the shark into a small shack that hasnt sunk alongside rest of the island, the shark follows them and breaks in. Ethan starts fighting the shark, beating it with a plank which makes it bleed. The shark is unfazed by this and eats Lyndsey, liza and michelle. Instead of following Kate, kirsten and paul he continues fighting the shark, the shark makes him trip and devours him too.

Michelle and ethan